28-Apr 2025: Lecture 1 - Introduction to Supply Chain Optimization and Simulation
- Supply Chain Network Optimization
- Supply Chain Simulation
- Digital Supply Chain Twins -
29-Apr 2025: Lecture 2 - Introduction to anyLogistix and Digital Supply Chain Twins
- Concepts and models used in anyLogistix
- Technical part of anyLogistix
- Practical, educational and research projects using anyLogistix
- anyLogistix as a Digital Supply Chain Twin -
30-Apr 2025: Lecture 3 - Supply chain network design using anyLogistix
- Greenfield Analysis
- Network Optimization
- Hands-on sessions -
5-May 2025: Lecture 4 - Supply chain simulation using anyLogistix
- Inventory and Transportation Control
- Supply Chain Performance Analysis
- Hands-on sessions -
6-May 2025: Lecture 5 – Introduction to Supply chain resilience
- Principles and concepts of resilience
- Modelling of Supply Chain Resilience -
7-May 2025: Lecture 6 - Resilience Management & Simulation
- Resilience Indicators
- Supply Chain Stress Testing -
8-May 2025: Lecture 7 - Supply chain resilience analysis using anyLogistix
- Principles and Technical skills
- Examples of Resilience Simulations
- Hands-on sessions -
12-May 2025: Lecture 8 – Managing Supply Chain Disruption with anyLogistix
- Case Studies on Supply Chain Disruption
- Hands-on Applications -
13-May 2025: Lecture 9 - Digital Twins and AI
- AI in Simulation
- Intelligent Digital Twins -
14-May 2025: Lecture 10 - Future trends
- Digital Supply Chain
- Industry 5.0