Accenture Solutions Pvt.Ltd.

Sr No. Name of Organisaiton Course Title Online / Off Line Venue Period Days Total Hrs. Course Leader No. of Parti.
1 M/s. Accenture Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Supply Chain Management Certification Program [for oil and Gas sector] Online Mumbai 21st November - 02nd December 2022 10 45 Hrs. Prof. Debabrata Das 50
2 M/s. Accenture Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Sustainability and ESG Certification Programme Online Mumbai 11th - 13th July 2022 3 - Prof. Seema Unnikrishnan
Prof. Hema Diwan
Prof. Vidyadhar Gedam
3 M/s. Accenture Solutions Pvt.Ltd. Module - I - fundamantals and Discrete Event Management Online Mumbai 06th-7th & 19th -20th April 2022 4 12 Hrs. Prof. Vivek Khanzode 39