Shipping Logistics Management

30 hrs (20 sessions)

The course provides structured explanation and details the maritime logistics and shipping transportation. It also deals with port operations.

  • Explain the basics of shipping logistics
  • Discuss the importance of coordination / integration in International maritime logistics
  • Analyse the different requirements and the types of shipping loads based on that
  • Assess the health, safety, and environmental aspects in maritime logistics
  • Evaluate the different aspects related to port logistics
  • Model the economics of shipping and choose the better options for profitable operations.
Middle Level and Senior level Management
Lectures, Case Studies, Demonstration of Tools and Techniques
Song, D. W., & Panayides, P. (Eds.). (2015). Maritime logistics: A guide to contemporary shipping and port management. Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Burns, M. G. (2018). Port management and operations. CRC press.
  • Lun, Y. V., Lai, K. H., & Cheng, T. E. (2010). Shipping and logistics management. London: Springer.
  • Song, D. P. (2021). Container logistics and maritime transport. Routledge.
  • Tapaninen, U. (2020). Maritime Transport: Shipping Logistics and Operations. Kogan Page Publishers.
Module No. Session No. Topics Readings / Case Study / Videos
Module 1: Introduction and Role of Maritime Logistics in International Trade (6 hours) 1-4
  • Introduction to Shipping Logistics
  • Maritime logistics as a trade facilitator
  • Global trade and maritime industry
Millefiori, L. M., Braca, P., Zissis, D., Spiliopoulos, G., Marano, S., Willett, P. K., & Carniel, S. (2021). COVID-19 impact on global maritime mobility. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-16.
Module 2: Coordination in Maritime Logistics (6 Hours) 5-8
  • Intermodal freight transport and logistics
  • Supply chain integration of shipping companies

Wu, S., & Yang, Z. (2018). Analysis of the case of port cooperation and integration in Liaoning (China). Research in transportation business & management, 26, 18-25.

Lind, M., Ward, R., Bergmann, M., Haraldson, S., Zerem, A., Hoffmann, J., & Eklund, E. (2021). Maritime informatics for increased collaboration. In Maritime Informatics (pp. 113- 136). Springer, Cham

Module 3: Types of shipping loads (4.5 Hours) 9-11
  • Container shipping
  • Tanker shipping
  • Dry and bulk shipping logistics

Ng, M. (2019). Vessel speed optimisation in container shipping: A new look. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70(4), 541-547.

Module 4: People, safety, and environmental aspects in Shipping Logistics (4.5 Hours) 12-14
  • Hazards and Safety on Ships and Ports
  • Health issues and overall wellbeing
  • Skill requirement in shipping logistics
  • Environmental impact of shipping transportation

Mallam, S. C., Nazir, S., & Sharma, A. (2020). The human element in future Maritime Operations– perceived impact of autonomous shipping. Ergonomics, 63(3), 334- 345.

Muñoz-Villamizar, A., Velázquez- Martínez, J. C., Haro, P., Ferrer, A., & Mariño, R. (2021). The environmental impact of fast shipping ecommerce in inbound logistics operations: A case study in Mexico. Journal of Cleaner Production, 283, 125400.

Module 5: Port Logistics (4.5 Hours) 15-17
  • Dry ports
  • Port centric logistics
  • Container hub ports

de Almeida Rodrigues, T., de Miranda Mota, C. M., & dos Santos, I. M. (2021). Determining dry port criteria that support decision making. Research in Transportation Economics, 88, 100994.

Module 6: Economics of Shipping Logistics (4.5 Hours) 18-20
  • Principles of maritime economics
  • The economics of shipping

Solakivi, T., Kiiski, T., & Ojala, L. (2018). The impact of ice class on the economics of wet and dry bulk shipping in the Arctic waters. Maritime Policy & Management, 45(4), 530542.

After completion of the course, participants would be able to

  • Understand the overall role of maritime logistics in international trade
  • Analyze challenges in maritime logistics and transportation coordination, safety, human
  • Evaluate shipping economics for profitable operations