Sustainable Supply Chain

30 hrs (10 sessions)

Sustainable logistics aims to lower the ecological footprint of its tasks, such as CO2 emissions, noise pollution, and accidents. In this sense, logistics suppliers must look for a balance between financial growth, environment care, and the health of society. Sustainability is an essential issue for logistics, especially when it comes to lowering carbon emissions, and must be incorporated to the corporate strategies because clients all over the world are increasingly demanding more environmentalfriendly logistics.

The three components of GATI Transportation, warehousing and packaging. The content will be aligned and customized to the transport/warehousing/packaging sectors. Some Of The Relev ant Topics Include: Sustainability & Logistics: Overview of Sustainable logistics, Sustainable supply Chains, Activities, stakeholders, Types and Environmental Management, Concept of Green Logistics, Green Transportation. Global/National Legislations & Pol icies: Motor Vehicle Act, Air pollution Act; Environmental Modelling in Logistics: Carbon Foot print Analysis, Vehicle Routing, Tools For modelling environmental Impacts LCA; Opportunities in Green Logistics: Decarbonized Economy, Pollution Load Reduction, Resource Efficiency

Sustainability related modules will mainly be taught to middle and top level group. Depending on the requirements at various positions and also looking at where and which impacts are the most, the modules will be mixed and matched for best suitability and empowerment.

  • To understand the nuances of retail supply chain management
  • To understand the integrative role of technology in driving the retail Supply chain
  • To demonstrate how to build a customer-driven retail supply chain for efficient and effective distribution strategies.
  • To apply analytical tools and emerging technologies for effective omnichannel and digital channel supply chain profitable strategies
Front line executives, Mid-level Managers, Senior professionals dealing with supply chains from all functions and verticals, students
Videos, audios and graphics et cetera, Case studies, Lectures and field examples, Podcasts field examples, field trips, expert talks, simulation and other exercises
Unit Title Topics Case Study
1 Sustainable development frameworks

Sustainable Development Goals, other frameworks

SDG cases and exercise
2 Sustainability strategies

Cases, examples, best practices Statement on sustainable development strategy, Policy commitments Embedding policy commitments, Processes to remediate negative impacts, Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns, Compliance with laws and regulations 28 Membership associations

Strategy of major logistics companies in India and outside

3 Sustainable logistics

Cases, examples, best practices Activities, stakeholders, Types and Environmental Management, Concept of Green Logistics, Green Transportation, Carbon Foot print Analysis, Vehicle Routing, Tools For modelling environmental Impacts LCA

Logistics in major logistics companies in India and outside

4 Environmental dimension

Materials, Energy, Water and Effluents, Biodiversity Emissions, Waste, Supplier Environmental Assessment

Few Indian companies like Tata Motors, Mahindra etc.

5 Social (including safety) dimension

Employment, Labor/Management Relations, Occupational Health and Safety, Training and Education, Diversity and Equal Opportunity, Non-discrimination, Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining, Child Labor, Forced or Compulsory Labor, Security Practices, Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Local Communities, Supplier Social Assessment

Few companies like Nestle, top hundred companies and their CSR

6 Governance

Governance structure and composition, Nomination and selection of the highest governance body, Chair of the highest governance body, Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impacts, Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts, Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting, Conflicts of interest, Communication of critical concerns, Collective knowledge of the highest governance body, Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body, Remuneration policies, Process to determine remuneration, Annual total compensation ratio.

Tata, Adani

7 Value creation

Financial, manufactured, intellectual, human, social and relationship, natural capitals and value creation from these with the business model

Global companies

8 Evaluation related (1 hour)

Assignments, Quiz etc


After completion of the course, participants would be able to:

  • Understanding retail supply chain management
  • Understanding integrative role of tech in retail supply chain
  • Green Logistics: Improving the Environmental Sustainability of Logistics by Alan McKinnon, Michael Browne, Anthony Whiteing & Maja Piecyk
  • Practicing Circular Economy by Prasad Modak