Work Study (Method Study and Work Measurement)

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Work-study is one of the essential tools of Industrial Engineers for process improvement leading to productivity. It mainly includes Method Study and Work Measurement. Method study helps in simplifying and finding out the most economical way of carrying out the activity. In contrast, Work Measurement quantifies the time taken by the activity. Work-study is at the base of all decisions such as performance measurement, resource planning and scheduling, and customer delivery date. The work-study methodology can be easily and economically implemented in manufacturing as well as service industries. It helps identify and minimize non-value activity and enhance competitiveness.

(Remark: Programme will be conducted on weekend (Saturday and Sunday) January 13, 14, 20, and 21 2024 )

The program has been designed to provide significant insights and confidence amongst the Practitioners/ Executives to lead the initiative for improvement in the organizations. Key objectives are:
•    Work content and its role in process analysis 
•    Step by step understanding of work-study tools.
•    Project identification for Work Study. 
•    Define, Develop and implement work study project
•    Result interpretation, presentation, and communication to top management.

•    Concept of Swift and Even Flow – for better Improvement 
•    Role of work content and its relation to productivity 
•    Method study Tools – flow process charts and multi-activity charts
•    Work Measurement Tools –Work Sampling and Time study
•    Hands-on through numerical examples.
•    Case Examples.

The program is most suitable for middle to senior level managers responsible for enhancing the value for the customer. General Managers, Plant Managers, SBU Heads, Team Leaders, Manufacturing/service Engineers, and Supervisors from manufacturing and service industries keen for process improvement can benefit from the programme.

Course Details

Venue Online
Duration 12 Hrs.
Starts On Jan 13, 2024
Faculty Prof. Milind Akarte

Fees Details

Duration Professional Fee*(Per participant) GST(18%) Total Fees(Per Participant) Programme Code
12 Hrs. 6,500.00 1,170.00 7,670.00 1 24 4 49
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