Refund and cancellation policy

Refund and cancellation policy

As per IIM Mumbai admission policy, withdrawal of admission and fee refund rules are as under:

  1. If the cancellation request is received by the institute before the commencement of the academic program, an amount of ₹ 1000/- will be deducted towards processing charges and the balance amount will be refunded to the candidate vide MoE notification 14-4/2007-U.3(A). This will be applicable till 9th June 2024 only.
  2. If the cancellation request is received by the institute on the day of commencement of the academic program or later, the candidate will be eligible for refund of caution money only provided the candidate has paid the first year (academic year – 2024-2025) full fees. In case the candidate has paid only ₹1,00,000/-, no refund is applicable and the entire amount of ₹1,00,000/- will be forfeited. This will be applicable from 10th June 2024 onwards.