Excellence in Communication

Excellence in Communication

Course Leader: Prof. Nikhil K Mehta

"Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people”

The Painted Veil


We communicate and express ourselves in several ways. For example, we explore verbal and non-verbal, explicit or implied communication. As Paul Watzlawick said,

"One cannot NOT communicate"

We communicate constantly. As we communicate, we unawaringly look for self-calibrations and self-validations. These calibrations and validations block or allow us to communicate, creating various interpersonal and intrapersonal distances. We strive on a continuous journey through life for personal and professional satisfaction. Our awareness could play a subtle role in our becoming productive and satisfied. After all, awareness is a journey, and as Rumi said,

"And you? When will you begin that long journey into yourself?"

We at NITIE Mumbai are conducting an Offline Management Development Program (MDP) on "Excellence in Communication".

Save your dates -September 04, 2023, to September 06, 2023

This program is designed to create awareness aligning with various nuances of communication. The program intends to bring various facets of personal and professional needs.

#humanskills #intrapersonalcommunication #interpersonalcommunication #teamcommunication #publicspeaking #listening #emotionmanagement #writtencommunication #workplacecommunication #workplaceengagement

"Excellence in Communication" is an endeavour that aims at working on communication challenges. Constant engineering of our training method has enriched the learning experiences of our participants. This program has helped them strengthen their communication competencies effectively, resulting in better workplace communication. To improve their excellence, we extend our hands in the journey called "Excellence in Communication."

1. To create awareness among participants about:
a. how do they communicate?
b. how is their communication perceived?
c. how do they find themselves in groups and teams?
d. how do they communicate with the larger group of audience?
e. how do they write formal and informal messages?

2. To present communication skills interventions for improvement.

  1. Fundamentals of Transactional Analysis
  2. Personal Communication Style
  3. Interpersonal Communication
  4. Listening Skills
  5. Non-verbal Communication
  6. Public Speaking
  7. Communication in Groups and Teams (including Virtual Teams)
  8. Gravitas and Leadership
  9. Written Communication

This offline program is priced as follows:

Program Fees:
Professional Fees per participant: ₹10,500 + 18% GST
Avail 10% Discount on Professional Fees for three and above nominations from the same organization.

The Residential charges will be applicable on actual number of days of program plus one day extra considering that participants may arrive previous day of the start of Programme after post lunch and vacate the room by 10 a.m. on the next day after the program ends.

Residential Charges (Inclusive GST): (Limited Availability)

  • Single Occupancy: ₹ 5,040/- per day (One Participant in one Room)
  • Double Occupancy: ₹ 7,280/- per day (Two Participants in one Room)

Participants can opt for the Non-Residential option.
Non-Residential (Hospitality) Charges ₹ 1,120/- per day (per participant)

The participants shall get certificates post-completion of the 18 hours offline program.

Program Code: 124478

Registration details: You may kindly proceed with the payment via https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm?corpID=370600

Payment Instructions:

1. Select Payment Category: NITIE PARTICIPANTS FEE

2. Fill in the required details

3. Type 124478 in the REFERENCE CODE field

We welcome participants from all functional areas working essentially at middle level of management, researchers, soft skill trainers.

We welcome you to this enlightening journey of excellence! 
#NITIE #MDP #Communication # Awareness #Training #Connect #Engage #Infuence #Motivate #Lead

Course Details

Venue Offline
Duration 18 Hrs.
Starts On Sep 04, 2023
Faculty Prof. Nikhil K. Mehta

Fees Details

Duration Professional Fee*(Per participant) GST(18%) Total Fees(Per Participant) Programme Code
18 Hrs. 10,500.00 1,890.00 12,390.00 1 24 4 78

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