Data Analytics for Corporates

Data analytics fuels modern business strategies and decisions. Instead of drowning under heaps of data, companies now use data analytics for business growth and profit maximization. As a result, business decision-making is no more impulsive but informed by solid evidence and insights extracted from complex data using data analytics. Data Analytics for Corporates: Essential Tools and Applications will equip with tools to combat real-world problems using data analytics and, thus, refine day-to-day business decision-making. By the end of the program, corporate and companies will acquire a data-driven analytical framework that will help to solve critical business challenges and spur career advancement.

To derive statistical parameters, estimating its causal relationships, interpreting estimated parameters, and deriving statistical inferences. To understand synthesis of linear and non-linear regression as well as other forms of econometric regressions with different variables. To know the advanced data analytics for solving real problems in corporate sector.

'-Data and Sources of Data -Data Analytics fundamentals -Solving linearity and non-linearity problems. -Heteroscedasticity models. -Correlated errors and Solutions. -Facing cross-sectional dependence and cross-sectional independence. -Deep Learning approach in Economics and Finance.

Industrial professionals, working professionals, corporate sector, NGOs, who are keen to understand advanced modelling and forecasting.

Course Details

Venue Online
Duration 12 Hrs.
Starts On Feb 12, 2024
Faculty Prof. Hemachandra Padhan

Fees Details

Duration Professional Fee*(Per participant) GST(18%) Total Fees(Per Participant) Programme Code
12 Hrs. 6,500.00 1,170.00 7,670.00 1 24 4 63

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