Archive Careers

Sr. No. Title Details Advertisement file Uploaded on
166 Project Associate under the Center for Innovation Incubation and Entrepreneurship

Project Associate (full-time) under the Center for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE)

167 Addendum Assistant Executive Education Programs

Addendum Assistant Executive Education Programs

168 Advertisement for Placement Officers

Advertisement for Placement Officers

169 Advertisement for Vaccine SCM project staff

Advertisement for Vaccine SCM project staff

170 Alumni Officer Advertisement

Alumni Officer Advertisement (Application Form)

171 Advertisement for the Post of Project Associate Full-Time

Project Associate Advertisement for CDEL for Video Editor

172 Advertisement for the Post of Project Staff Full-Time

Project STAFF Advertisement for CDEL for Project Staff

173 Advertisement for Public Relations Executive (PRE)

Advertisement for Public Relations Executive (PRE) (Application Form)

174 Advertisement for RA Labour Productivity

Advertisement for RA Labour Productivity

175 Research Associate (on contract for one year)

Research Associate (on contract for one year)

176 Research Assistant under the Project Social networks of women entrepreneurs of Maharashtra Region

Research Assistant under the Project "Social networks of women entrepreneurs of Maharashtra Region"

177 Sustainability Assessment of Waste Management Systems: Modelling Approach

Sustainability Assessment of Waste Management Systems: Modelling Approach

178 Enhancing Rural Education in India using Technology

Project Associate for the Project Enhancing Rural Education in India using Technology

179 Advertisement for Project assistant under the Ergonomics Lab Project

Study on Cognitive performance and onset of fatigue in Skilled Job: Human Factors Intervention

180 Investigation of the status of implementation of Industrial & Systems Engineering Tools and Techniques and its impact on the performance of industries in India

Investigation of the status of implementation of Industrial & Systems Engineering Tools and Techniques and its impact on the performance of industries in India