To provide the business students with means and environment to pursue their sporting passions.
To nourish the budding sportsmen and strengthen the sporting environment among students.
About the committee / Forum
We are a student community club dedicated to the development of sports. We are responsible for all the facts/information about sports activities for the student community of IIM Mumbai.
Events/competitions organized
Josh (October)– A Three Day Inter College Sports Festival witnessing the participation of the best B-Schools and covering 10 different indoor and outdoor sports.
Josh Intra college leg consisting of teams from every section in IIM Mumbai competing for the intra trophy.
Marathon (August, October, January) Conduct campus marathons on Independence day, Republic day and JOSH inauguration.
Roles & Responsibility
- Inventory management
- Responsibility of procuring all types of sporting inventory as per requirements.
- Maintaining the inventory
- Avail sports stuff to the students on daily basis
- Team selection and coordination for other college sports fests
- IIM Mumbai is invited by lot of prominent colleges for their prestigious sports fests that happen all through the year. We are responsible for selecting the teams, coordinating with the host college and make sure the process of participation is smooth.
- Arrange screening of important matches/events for the benefit of sports fans in IIM Mumbai.
Committee / Forum Structure
- Strength : 13
- E-Mail id: sports.nitie@gmail.com
- Official web page:www.facebook.com/SportscomNITIE
- Facebook page:www.facebook.com/SportscomNITIE
- Faculty In-Charge: Prof. Sanjeev Verma , Prof. Upasna Agarwal