Tagline: Deliberation on matter that matters
About the committee
Samiksha is a committee which is also called the Industry Interaction Cell of IIM Mumbai. It looks to enrich connections of IIM Mumbai with the corporate world by organizing case studies, panel discussions, quizzes, informative talks like the TED talk. It also organizes weekend project opportunity for the student. In Avartan, it also conducts a case study competition called Samstrat .
Events/competitions organized
- Indian Economy amidst Infrastructure Revolution - Opportunities and Roadblocks.Speakers : Mr. Arvind Pathak CEO - Reliance Cement Company Private Limited. 8th November 2014.
- TED talk; 28th September 2014.
- Case study: February 2015.
Committee Structure
- Strength : 13
- E-Mail id:samiksha.nitie@gmail.com
- Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Samiksha-NITIE/112018768924327
- Faculty In-Charge: Prof. A.K Pundir