Regular Ph.D. Programme - Program Details

The Ph.D. curriculum is spread across 39 credits including Ph.D. Core courses, stream specific courses, PGP Courses and Seminar presentations. The syllabus of each course is available in the Academic section.

The proposed Ph.D. course structure provides an opportunity for the Scholars to have the breadth of knowledge and flexibility in choosing their courses aligned to the interest of the research.

13 Courses - 39 Credits Module 1 5 Courses - 15 Credits L1 - 2
L2 - 1
L3 - 2
Module 2 4 Courses - 6 Credits L1 - 1
L2 - 1
L3 - 1
L4 - 1
Module 3 4 Courses - 12 Credits L1 - 2
L3 - 1
L4 - 1
Summary of Course Distribution among Modules
Course Level Total Courses Total Credit M1 M2 M3 Type of Course
L1 5 15 2 1 2 PhD Core Courses
L2 2 6 1 1 - PGP Courses
(Courses from domain and other areas)
L3 4 12 2 1 1 Area Courses
(Max 4)
L4 2 6 - 1 1 Seminar Presentation
Total 13 39 5 4 4
1 Course Work
2 Area Comprehensive Examintaion
3 Registration cum Research Proposal Seminar (RCRP)
4 1st Credit-cum-Progress Seminar
5 2nd Credit-cum-Progress Seminar
6 3rd Credit-cum-Progress Seminar
7 Pre-Synopsis of Thesis
8 Thesis Submission

If the desired progress is not made by the Scholar as per the above timelines, it may lead to the cancellation of his/her admission. The final decision on the removal of a Ph.D. Scholar from the programme or for time extension will be taken by the Director as Chairman, Academic Council.