Centre for Environmental Studies

IIM Mumbai, being an institute of national repute, with a unique course dealing with environmental issues, would like to take the lead and create research focus in the area of environmental management and sustainability. This is the context in which the "Centre for Environmental Studies" was initiated at IIM Mumbai. Beneficiaries of the Centre will be students, industries, government, international agencies, academia, NGOs and society at large. Focus of the centre is Research.

CES was started in November 2009 with focus on research in three areas (Ecosystem management, Business and sustainable development and Environmental policy), 18 objectives and recruitment of 2 M.Sc. research staff and 1 secretary. The Board approved CES for 10 years (129th Board meeting on 24.8.2009, item 129B.3). Financial outlay of 2.5 crore was requested and approved for the first 5 years. The Centre identified 3 key stakeholders: the environment, industry and government and objectives were framed for each stakeholder. CES has 3 staff employed at post graduate and graduate level.

  • Link to the centre websiteno separate website
  • Core area in IIM Mumbai to which the centre is associated-

Environmental Engineering and Management (EE & M)

Centre Research Domains

  • Ecosystem Management
  • Business & Sustainable Development
  • Environmental policy making

Centre Research Domains

Ecosystem Management

Sr. No Proposed activities Ongoing/Completed
1 Management of Urban Lakes and urban water sheds Ongoing
2 Conservation of Mangroves - Role of mangroves in preventing disasters like Tsunamis, cyclones and floods Ongoing
3 Innovations in ecosystem management Ongoing

Business & Sustainable Development

Sr. No Proposed activities Ongoing/Completed
1 Indicators for Sustainability Reporting – comparative study of sustainability indicators Ongoing
2 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) opportunities for Small and Medium Scale Industries Completed
3 Life Cycle Assessment Studies of: 1. Products in use 2. Comparative assessment of products to find the greenest Ongoing
4 Design for Environment strategies and Eco Mark Scheme of India Ongoing
5 Waste Management Studies Ongoing
6 Best Practices in Corporate Social Responsibility Ongoing
7 Use of newer technologies & their environmental applications Ongoing
8 Innovations in sustainable business development Ongoing

Environmental Policy Making

Sr. No Proposed activities Ongoing/Completed
1 Comparative assessment of environmental policies in India and other countries
Comparative assessment of implementation mechanism/instruments in India and other countries
2 Climate change and its impact on India Ongoing

Centre Faculty

  • Prof. NeelimaNaik: Expertise in Industrial and Environmental Noise management, Environmental Impact assessment, Industrial Waste Water Management and Executive Health and Nutrition
  • Prof. SeemaUnnikrishnan: Expertise in Environmental Management, Environmental Low, ISO Standards, ISO-14001
  • Prof. Anju Singh: Expertise in Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing, Business Sustainability, Energy Management and Green Manufacturing and Safety & Environment as Strategic Business Opportunity
  • Prof. Shankar Murthy: Industrial Waste Water Management, Water and Air quality Modeling, Rheology of Activated Sludge, Industrial Air pollution/Indoor Air Quality Analysis and Monitoring, Anaerobic Technology for Domestic and Industrial Waste Water and Bioremediation of Soil and Ground water.
  • Prof. ShirishSangle: Corporate Environmental Management, Environmental Strategy, EMS based on ISO 14000 series, Life Cycle Assessment and Design for Environment, Environmental Performance Evaluation, Environmental Accounting, Environmental Impact assessment, Carrying capacity Based Developmental Planning and Sustainability and Business.
  • Prof. HemaDiwan: Environmental Management, EnvironmentalToxicology, Applied Sciences, Agricultural Policy, Climate Change

Research/Centre Output

  • CES Publications 2009- 2014

Papers Published

  • Seema Unnikrishnan,Neelima S. Naik, Anju Singh, Bhagyashree Sawant and Aditee Potdar,2014, Study of Safety and Environmental Management Practices in the Indian Petrochemical Industry, Current Advances in Environmental Science 2 (2), 59-72.
  • Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan, 2014, Estimation of carbon stocks in Avicennamarina stand using allomerty, CHN analysis and GIS methods, Wetlands, 34, 379-391.
  • Mayuri R. Naik, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, 2014, The Role of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) in the Development of National Energy Industries, Energy and Environment, 25(2), 325-342.
  • Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik and Indrayani Nimkar, 2014, Role of Clean Development Mechanism and cleaner technologies in achieving energy efficiency in chemical and manufacturing sectors in India. Journal of Environmental Research and Development 9 (2), 481-493.
  • Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh, Bhagyashree Sawant and Neelima Naik, 2014, Environmental Education and Practices in Schools, Journal of Environmental Research and Development 9 (1), 271-283.
  • Balaji G., Aditee Potdar and Seema Unnikrishnan, 2014, Environmental Legislation for Chemical Management in India: An Agenda for Reforms. Journal of Environmental Research and Development 9 (2), 494-506.
  • Seema Unnikrishnan, Rauf Iqbal, Anju Singh, and Indrayani Nimkar, 2014, Safety Management Practices in SMEs in India. Safety and Health at Work (Vol. & Issue no. not yet given). Online available from December 2014, at http://www.e-shaw.net/article/S2093-7911(14)00081-X/pdf
  • Tyagi, R. And Naik, N., Willingness to Pay for Silence in Mumbai City, Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 8(7), 1-4, 2014.
  • Tyagi, R. And Naik, N., Cost of Road Traffic Noise in Mumbai, International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, 9(4), 2255-2264, 2014.
  • Abba Elizabeth Joseph, Seema Unnikrishnan, Rakesh Kumar. "Organic speciation to assess sources in Mumbai city" Journal of environmental science and engineering, vol.55, no.1, pp.17-54, 2013.
  • Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh and Manoj Kharat: Role of Mangroves in disaster Mitigation: A Review, International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development 2012 - Vol. 11, No.2 pp. 164 – 179, 2012.
  • Aditee Potdar, Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh and Neelima Naik: A Comparison of legislation on environment and climate change issues in BASIC countries, International Journal for Sustainable Innovation, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 57-67, 2012.
  • Mayuri Naik, Sareeka Tambe, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik and Aditee Potdar: Role of Clean Development Mechanism in energy demand projects, International Journal for Sustainable Innovation, Vol. 2 No. 1, pp. 35-44, 2012.
  • Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Bhagyashree Sawant, : Study of environmental management practices in Indian oil and gas sector, Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 11, Journal of Environmental Research and Development, Vol. 7, 1A, July-Sept. 2012.
  • Aditee Potdar, Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh and Neelima Naik : A Comparative Assessment of Environmental laws and policies of India and China, Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 11, Journal of Environmental Research and Development, Volume 7, issue no. 1, July –September 2012.
  • Vikrant Vijay Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik, Seema Unnikrishnan and Bhagyashree Sawant: Carbon sequestration in Mangrove Ecosystems: A Review, Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 11, Journal of Environmental Research and Development Vol 7, No IA, p 576-583, July-Sept 2012,.
  • Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik and Kavita Duvvuri, : Role of India’s Forests in Climate Change Mitigation through CDM and REDD+, Journal of environmental planning and management, Vol. 56, Issue 1, p 61-87, Jan 2012.
  • Abba Elizabeth Joseph, Seema Unnikrishnan, Rakesh Kumar, Balkrishna Yeole & Zohir Chowdhury. "Fine Aerosol and PAH Carcinogenicity Estimation in Outdoor Environment of Mumbai". International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 22 (2), 136-149, 2012. DOI:10.1080/09603123.2011.613112.
  • Abba Elizabeth Joseph, Seema Unnikrishnan, Rakesh Kumar. "Chemical Characterization and Mass Closure of Fine Aerosol for Different Land Use Patterns in Mumbai City". Journal of Aerosol and Air quality research, 12, 61-72, 2012. Available online from Nov.2011. doi.10.4209/aaqr2011.04.0049.
  • Anju Singh and Seema Unnikrishnan, Waste Handling and Disposal through CDM International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology and Engineering Sciences. Vol. 1, No.2, pp.19-22, Nov.2011.
  • Anju Singh, Richa Gautam and S. K. Mishra, Performance evaluation of a Common effluent treatment Plant (CETP II) treating textile wastewaters in India, Journal of Environmental Research & Development, Vol. 5 No. 3A, January-March 2011.
  • Rani Tyagi and Neelima Naik, Climate Change: India’s Position, Policies and Possibilities’ in 21st century liublished in Journal of Research Dimension Vol I, Issue-4, Aliril 2011.
  • SeemaUnnikrishnan and Anju Singh, "Energy Recovery in Solid waste management through CDM in India and other Countries". International Journal- "Resources, Conservation and Recycling", vol. 54, 630–640 2010.
  • Richa Gautam and Anju Singh, Critical environmental indicators used to assess environmental lierformance of business, Global Business and Management Research, 2(2/3), 224-236, 2010.
  • Richa Gautam and Anju Singh, Corliorate Social Reslionsibility liractices in India: a study of toli 500 comlianies, Global Business and Management Research, 3(1/2), 41-56, 2010.
  • Anju Singh, Richa Gautam and Rajan Sharma, "Performance evaluation of a common effluent treatment lilant (CETP) treating textile waste waters in India" Journal of Industrial Pollution Control 24 (2), lili 111-121, ISSN 0970 2083, 2010.
  • Anju Singh and Richa Gautam, Study of Municipal solid waste MSW dumping in a rain catchment area, Ecology Environment and conservation, 15(4), 843-850, 2009.

Papers accepted for Publication

  • Indrayani Nimkar, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Potential of GHG Emission Reduction from Agriculture Sector,International Journal of Global Warming(vol. & issue no. not provided yet).
  • Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik, Seema Unnikrishnan and Prasad Khale: Change detection analysis of mangrove for effective implementation of coastal zone management plans. Journal of Environmental Research and Development (JERAD) (vol. & issue no. not yet provided).

Papers presented in International and National Conferences

  • Anju Singh, Aditee Potdar, Mayuri R. Naik, Indrayani Nimkar, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Innovative Practices in Solid Waste Management with CDM in India, International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control (ICGTEPC), Tiruchirappalli, India, September 27-29, 2014.
  • Indrayani Nimkar, Priyanka Dharne, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Application of Green Chemistry Principles in Industrialization, ICGTEPC, Tiruchirappalli, India, September 27-29, 2014.
  • Yogita Chakravarthy, Aditee Potdar, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Eco-Labelling Scheme in India and its Comparison with Other Countries, ICGTEPC, Tiruchirappalli, IndiaSeptember 27-29, 2014.
  • Anju Singh, Shweta Loke, Indrayani Nimkar, Bhagyashree Sawant, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Green Innovations in Product Design, ICGTEPC, Tiruchirappalli, India, September 27-29, 2014.
  • Mayuri R. Naik, Pratik Shinde, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Potential of Recyclers for E-Waste Management in Mumbai City, ICGTEPC, Tiruchirappalli, India, September 27-29, 2014.
  • Mayuri R. Naik, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Role of CDM in Metal, Mining and Mineral production, ICGTEPC, Tiruchirappalli, IndiaSeptember 27-29, 2014.
  • Mayuri Naik, Sneha Magam, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Water Quality Assessment of Drinking Water from Lakes in Mumbai, ICGTEPC, Tiruchirappalli, IndiaSeptember 27-29, 2014.
  • Indrayani Nimkar, Itee Bawa, Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Absar Kazmi, Markus Starkl, Assessment of Sewage Treatment Plants in Delhi, International Conference on Green Technology for Environmental Pollution Prevention and Control (ICGTEPC), Tiruchirappalli, IndiaSeptember 27-29, 2014.
  • Itee Bawa, Indrayani Nimkar, Prasad Khale, Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Absar Kazmi, Markus Starkl, Status of Sewage Treatment Plants: a case study of Mumbai City, ICGTEPC, Tiruchirappalli, India, September 27-29, 2014.
  • Indrayani Nimkar, Mayuri Naik, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant and Balaji G., Role of clean development mechanism for fugitive emission reduction, 25th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Atlanta, USAMay 9-12, 2014.
  • Mayuri R. Naik, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, CDM in Small and Medium Scale Enterprises and Use of Bundled Projects, 25th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Atlanta, USA, May 9-12, 2014.
  • Sheetal Kamble, Anju Singh, Itee Bawa, Prasad Khale; Use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for selecting, designing and operating wastewater treatment plants. 25th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Atlanta, USAMay 9-12, 2014.
  • Sangeeta Verma, Geetha K Jayaraj, Anju Singh, Surender Kumar Mishra and Ravindra Kumar Verma: SCS-CN-Inspired Models Reviewed for Use in Rs& GIS Applications for Surface Runoff Estimation. Conference: International Conference on Eco FriendlyTechnologyfor Sustainable Growth” ICEFT-14,Mumbai, March 27-28, 2014.
  • Sangeeta Verma, Anju Singh and Ravindra Kumar Verma: Assessment of Monthly Variation of Water Quality Characteristics and Morphometric Analysis of Vihar Lake, Mumbai, India. Conference: Water and its Sustainability in Mining and Other Environment: Vision 2050 (WSME 2014)” Dhanbad, March 28-29, 2014,.
  • Anju Singh, Aditee Potdar, Mayuri R. Naik, Indrayani Nimkar, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik: Innovative Practices in Solid Waste Management with CDM in India accepted for presentation in 29th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management 2014.
  • Aditee A. Potdar, Seema U. and Anju Singh: Study of environmental regulations in India and other countries: A review. Conference 13th International Consortium of Students in Management Research (COSMAR)Bangalore, November 15-12013.
  • Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik and Indrayani Nimkar: Role of Clean Development Mechanism and cleaner technologies in achieving energy efficiency in chemical and manufacturing sectors in India. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13Aurangabad, December 19-21, 2013.
  • Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Bhagyashree Sawant: Environmental education and practices in schools. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13,Aurangabad December19-21, 2013.
  • Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik, Seema Unnikrishnan and Prasad Khale: Change detection analysis of mangrove for effective implementation of coastal zone management plans. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13,Aurangabad December19-21, 2013.
  • Balaji G., Aditee Potdar and Seema Unnikrishnan: Environmental Legislation for Chemical Management in India: An Agenda for Reforms. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13, Aurangabad, December19-21, 2013.
  • Neelima S Naik, “Approaches to Urban Noise Management in India” In: Proceedings of the Internoise 2012/ASME NCAD meeting held at New York, from August 19th -22nd, 2012
  • Rani Tyagi and Neelima Naik, Assessing the Economic Value of Ecosystem Conservation- Presented at 3rdInternational Conference on Climate Change and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources” organized by ITM University, Gwalior – Feb 5-7th, 2012.
  • Aditee Potdar, Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh and Neelima Naik: A Comparative Assessment of environmental legislation and climate change policy of BASIC countries, Conference: International Symposium on a Sustainable Future – 2012,: at IGIDR Mumbai, January 19-20, 2012.
  • Mayuri Naik, Sareeka Tambe, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik and Aditee Potdar: Role of Clean Development Mechanism in energy demand projects, Conference: International Symposium on a Sustainable Future – 2012: at IGIDR Mumbai, January 19-20, 2012.
  • Sangeeta Verma, Ravindra Kumar Verma, Anju Singh and Neelima S. Naik: Web-based GIS Applications and Open Source Desktop GIS Software for Water Resources Management, Conference: RACEE 2012: at , NIT Raurkela, January 19-20, 2012.
  • SangeetaVerma,Ravindra Kumar Verma, Anju Singhand Neelima S. Naik: Web-based GIS and Desktop Open Source GIS Software: An Emerging Innovative Approach for Water Resources Management. International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering & Applications (ICCSEA) held at the Cannaught Hotel, Delhi, India on May 25-27, 2012.
  • Vikrant Vijay Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik, Seema Unnikrishnan, Mayuri Naik, Prasad Khale: Change detection analysis of Mangroves aligning Ulhas river using landsat Data 1972-201Hydro 2012 at IIT Bombay. 7-8th December 2012.
  • Sangeeta Verma, Ravindra Verma, Anju Singh and Neelima Naik: SCS-CN based hydrologic simulation models for estimating surface runoff: A review, Hydro 2012 at IIT Bombay, 7-8th December 2012.
  • Som Bhattacharya, Anju Singh and Mayuri Naik Exploring the factors influencing the Corporate Social Responsibility ratings of Indian Organizations, Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2012, Bordeaux Management School, France, Sept. 12-14, 2012.
  • Sangeeta Verma,Ravindra Kumar Verma,Anju SinghandNeelima S. Naik: Web-Based GIS and Desktop Open Source GIS Software: An Emerging Innovative Approach for Water Resources Management, INWES 2012.
  • Som Bhattacharya, Anju Singh and Mayuri Naik: Measuring the performance of Indian Business Organizations on Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility factors, Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2012, Bordeaux Management School, France, Sept. 12-14, 2012.
  • Pragati Chipte, Sapana Joshi, Snehal Lokhande, Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik: Role of CDM in Improving transport sector, Green Health 2012.
  • Aditee Potdar, Snehal Lokhande, Sapana Joshi, Pragati Chipte, Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik: Review of environmental application of Nanotechnology. Conference: Green Health 2012
  • Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Waste Management of Airforce Maintenance Sites, Green Health 2012 conference.
  • Sheetal Kamble, Indrayani Nimkar, Vikrant Patil, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik: Assessing the sewage treatment plant in India for Reuse, NCWQM, Jaipur, 21-23rd December 2012.
  • SangeetaVerma,Ravindra Kumar Verma, Anju Singh and Neelima S. Naik: Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Water Quality Assessment: A-state-of-art-the-Review. National Conference on Water Quality Management (NCWQM) at Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT)-Jaipur on 20th – 22th, December, 2012
  • Binita Shah and Seema Unnikrishnan: life cycle assessment of electricity from coal fired power plants in India First Indian Life Cycle Assessment and Management Conference, New Delhi , organized by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) on 22nd-23rd Aug 2012.
  • Binita Shah and Seema Unnikrishnan: LCA of electricity from coal fired thermal power plants: a comparative study of the efficient combustion technologies in India, 29th annual international Pittsburgh coal conference, Pittsburgh, PA,USA on 16th-18th Oct 2012.
  • Rani Tyagi and Neelima Naik, Noise Pollution and its Health Impacts, International Conference at Mumbai, 2012.
  • Rani Tyagi and Neelima Naik, Role of Women in Sustainable Management of Natural Resources”- Presented at International Conference on Renewable Energy organized by JJTU University March, 2011
  • Vikrant Vijay Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan : A review of GIS and Remote Sensing application in mangrove studies, Conference: Climate Change, Oil Spill & Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges, at NEERI Mumbai, November 15-16, 2011.
  • Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik, Kavita Duvvuri, Aditee Potdar and Bhagyashree Sawant: Potential for Climate Change Mitigation through CDM and REDD+ in India’s forests, Conference: Climate Change, Oil Spill & Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges, at NEERI Mumbai, November 15-16, 2011.
  • Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Bhagyashree Sawant : Study of environmental management practices in Indian oil and gas sector, Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 11, at Surat, December15-17, 2011.
  • Aditee Potdar, Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh and Neelima Naik : A Comparative Assessment of Environmental laws and policies of India and China, Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 11, at Surat, December15-17, 2011.
  • Vikrant Vijay Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik, Seema Unnikrishnan and Bhagyashree Sawant: Carbon sequestration in Mangrove Ecosystems: A Review, Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 11, at Surat, December15-17, 2011.
  • Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh and Manoj Kharat : Role of Mangroves in disaster Mitigation: A Review, Conference: KLIMA/CLIMATE 2011, On-line Climate Conference, November 7, 2011.
  • Rani Tyagi and Neelima Naik, Special Economic Zones in India: Ground Realities and Decision Making presented at State Level Seminar, Mumbai, on Feb 26- 27th 2011.
  • Rani Tyagi and Neelima Naik, “Role of Mountain Women in Environment Governance in India “presented at National level seminar at Gujarat Vidyapeeth organized by International Society for Ecological Economics, Feb, 2011.
  • Anju Singh and Seema Unnikrishnan Role of CDM in Climate Change and its Impact on India presented in CEET Conference on climate change at Kottayam, Kerala, 19-22nd February 2010.
  • Richa Gautam and Anju Singh, Exploring the company level initiatives for Conservation of Biodiversity: A study presented in CEET Conference on climate change held at in Kottayam, Kerala, 19-22nd February 2010.
  • Richa Gautam & Anju Singh "CSR Evolution: Developments in India and the rest of the world” at International Conference On Business Ethics & Corporate Social responsibility, at Belgaum, Karnataka, 3rd - 5th December 2010.
  • Anju Singh and Richa Gautam, Performance evaluation of Common effluent treatment Plant (CETP) treating textile wastewaters in India in 3rd international Congress of Environmental research in Mauritius during Sept. 16-18, 2010.
  • Richa Gautam and Anju Singh; Exploring the company level initiatives for Conservation of Biodiversity: A study accepted for presentation in The International Conference on Climate Change and Developing Countries(CCDC-2010 - February 19-22, 2010).
  • Anju Singh and Richa Gautam. “Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing In A Marble Slab Producing Unit-Case Study From India” International conference on solid waste management WASTESAFE 2009.
  • Jinu Kurien, Seema Unnikrishnan, D.S Hegde. “Eco – Innovation in Corporate Environmental Management. Some experiences in selected Chemical Industry in Ankleshwar, Gujarat”. Ninth Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management GLOGIFT, at IIM Mumbai, Nov. 12-14, 2009.
  • Rani Tyagi and Neelima Naik, Role of NGO’s in spearheading Community Participation in an International conference organized by ICER, Goa, 2009.
  • R.K. Verma, S. Murthy, R. K. Tiwary, Sangeeta Verma, Amardip Singh, and Richa Gautam ; Assessment for Surface Water Quality of Damoder River using Water Quality Index Programming, Ninth Global Conference on Flexible Systems Management GLOGIFT 09 November 12 – 14, 2009.

Paper accepted for Conference

  • Indrayani Nimkar, Supriya Edke, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik, Innovative Practices for Ecosystem Management in India, 26th Annual Conference of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS), Washington DC, USAMay 9-12, 2014.

Posters presented in Conferences

  • Devika Surendran, Vikrant Patil, Indrayani Nimkar, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik, Seema Unnikrishnan: Forest Biomass Estimation using GIS and Remote Sensing. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13: Aurangabad December19-21, 2013.
  • Sneha Magam, Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, and Neelima Naik: Best Management practices for urban lakes and watersheds. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13: Aurangabad December19-21, 2013.
  • Supriya Edke, Indrayani Nimkar, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik: Innovations in Ecosystem Management. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13 : Aurangabad December19-21, 2013.
  • Trushant Garjare, Mayuri Naik, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik: Small scale bundled projects in clean development mechanism. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13: Aurangabad December19-21, 2013.
  • Yogita Chakravarthy, Aditee Potdar, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik: A comparison of eco-label scheme in India with other countries. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13: Aurangabad, December19-21, 2013.
  • Khushboo Jain, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik, Indrayani Nimkar: Sustainable Business Development Innovation in Indian Mining Sector. Conference: International Congress of Environmental Research – 13: Aurangabad, December19-21, 2013.
  • Pragati Chipte, Sapana Joshi, Snehal Lokhande, Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh , Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik: Role of CDM in Chemical Industry, Conference:Green Health 2012: NEERI, Mumbai, 16-18 September 2012.
  • Sapana Joshi, Snehal Lokhande, Pragati Chipte Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh , Seema Unnikrishnan, Neelima Naik,: A Review of the Life cycle assessment of the coal fired and clean coal technology electricity generation system: Conference:Green Health 2012: NEERI, Mumbai, 16-18 September 2012.
  • Pragati Chipte, Sapana Joshi, Snehal Lokhande, Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik : Role of CDM in Manufacturing Sector : Conference:Green Health 2012: NEERI, Mumbai, 16-18 September 2012.
  • 1Pragati Chipte, Sapana Joshi, Snehal Lokhande, Mayuri Naik, Bhagyashree Sawant, Anju Singh, Seema Unnikrishnan and Neelima Naik : Role of CDM in Agricultural Sector : Conference:Green Health 2012: NEERI, Mumbai, 16-18 September 2012.
  • Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan : Comparative assessment of methodologies for carbon sequestration by mangroves /forests, Conference: Geomatrix12, at IIT Bombay, February 26th – 29th, 2012.
  • Mayuri Naik, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan: Waste handling and disposal through CDM, Conference: Climate Change, Oil Spill & Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges: at NEERI Mumbai, November 15-16, 2011.
  • Bhagyashree Sawant, Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh and Neelima Naik: Study on environmental management practices in Indian oil and gas sector, Conference: Climate Change, Oil Spill & Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges: at NEERI Mumbai, November 15-16, 2011.
  • Suhela Shaikh, Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan: Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity and its impact on Climate Change, Conference: Climate Change, Oil Spill & Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges: at NEERI Mumbai, November 15-16, 2011.
  • Sneha Nikam, Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan: Study of a typical jute mill in India and Life cycle impacts of jute mills on environment, Conference: Climate Change, Oil Spill & Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges: at NEERI Mumbai, November 15-16, 2011.
  • Sareeka Tambe, Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan: Role of Clean Development Mechanism in energy demand projects, Conference: Climate Change, Oil Spill & Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges: at NEERI Mumbai, November 15-16, 2011.
  • Prasad Khale, Monish Deshpande, Vikrant Patil, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan: To Study change detection of mangroves aligning estuary of Ulhas River using GIS & Remote Sensing, Conference: Climate Change, Oil Spill & Radiation Risk: New Environmental Challenges: at NEERI Mumbai, November 15-16, 2011.
  • Aditee Potdar, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan: A comparative assessment of environmental laws and climate change policy of India, China and South Africa, Conference: Indian Environmental Association Annual Conference EnviroVision 2011, at Ahemdabad, November 24th – 26th, 2011.
  • Bhagyashree Sawant, Seema Unnikrishnan, Anju Singh and Neelima Naik: Environmental Practices and Innovation in tyre industry in India, Conference: Indian Environmental Association Annual Conference EnviroVision 2011 at Ahemdabad, November 24th – 26th, 2011.
  • Mayuri Naik, Anju Singh, Neelima Naik and Seema Unnikrishnan: Application of Bio mimicry in waste water treatment, Conference: Indian Environmental Association Annual Conference EnviroVision 201