Upasna A Agarwal



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PhD, IIT, Bombay

Area & Groups
Organizational Behavior & HRM

Ph D  (IIT, Bombay); Master in Business Administration (MBA), Masters in Labour Law (MLL)

  1. Agarwal, U. A., Gupta, M., & Cooke, F. L. (2022). Knowledge hide and seek: Role of ethical leadership, self-enhancement and job-involvement. Journal of Business Research141, 770-781; IF:7.1; ABDC- A-SCI
  2. Datta, S., Budhwar, P., Agarwal, U. A., & Bhargava, S. (2021). Impact of HRM practices on innovative behaviour: mediating role of talent development climate in Indian firms. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 1-26. IF:5.5; ABDC SCI
  3. Agarwal, U. A., Avey, J., & Wu, K. (2021). How and when abusive supervision influences knowledge hiding behavior: evidence from India. Journal of Knowledge Management. IF:8.1; ABDC, SSCI
  4. Agarwal, U. A., Dixit, V., Nikolova, N., Jain, K., & Sankaran, S. (2021). A psychological contract perspective of vertical and distributed leadership in project-based organizations. International Journal of Project Management39(3), 249-258.IF:7.17; SCI, ABDC-A
  5. Agarwal, U. A., & Anantatmula, V. (2021). Psychological Safety Effects on Knowledge Sharing in Project Teams. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. IF 6.14; ABDC SSCI
  6. Bansal, N., & Agarwal, U. A. (2021). Linkage Among Work-Life Balance, Psychological Capital, and Life Satisfaction: Testing a Spillover-Crossover Model Among Indian Dual-Working Couples. In Emotion, Well-Being, and Resilience (pp. 323-337). Apple Academic Press.
  7. Avey, J. B., Agarwal, U., & Gill, J. K. (2021). How does abusive supervision hurt employees? The role of positive psychological capital. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. IF 3.5, ABDC ESCI
  8. Agarwal, U. A., & Avey, J. B. (2020). Abusive supervisors and employees who cyberloaf: examining the roles of psychological capital and contract breach. Internet Research. IF: 8.5; ABDC, SCI, SSCI
  9. Agarwal, Upasna A (2019). Impact of Supervisors’ Perceived Communication Style on Subordinate’s Psychological Capital and Cyberloafing. Australasian Journal of Information Systems.
  10.  Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A (2019) Linking Interactional Injustice to EVLN Outcomes: Effects of Psychological Contract Violation and Conscientiousness (A moderated mediation model), International Journal of Organizational Analysis. IF: 2.5 ; ABDC SSCI
  11. Agarwal, U., & Narayana, S. A. (2020). Impact of relational communication on buyer–supplier relationship satisfaction: role of trust and commitment. Benchmarking: An International Journal. IF: 5.; ABDC ESCI
  12. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2020). Examining the impact of justice perceptions on workplace bullying: a moderated mediational model of PCV and PDO. Personnel Review. IF 3.8; ABDC SSCI
  13. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2020). Examining Fit Perceptions and Workplace Bullying Relationship: The Moderating role of Power Distance Orientation, IIMB Review. IF 2.9; ESCI, ABDC
  14. Bansal, N., & Agarwal, U. A. (2019). Direct and Indirect effects of Work-Family Enrichment: Moderating Role of Gender Role Ideology. International journal of productivity and performance. IF 3.5; ABDC ESCI
  15. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2019). Examining the Relationship between Personality Traits and Exposure to Workplace Bullying. Global Business Review. IF; 2.1; ABDC ESCI
  16. Agarwal, U. A., & Rai, A. (2019). Exploring Bullying Among Indian Managers: A Grounded Theory Approach. Journal of Asia Business Studies.  IF;3.5; ABDC SSCI
  17. Agarwal, Upasna A (2018), Examining links between Abusive supervision, PsyCap, LMX and Outcomes. Management Decision. IF; 5.5 ABDC
  18. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2018). Workplace Bullying and EVLN Outcomes- Psychological Contract Violation as mediator and Workplace Friendship as moderator. International Journal of Manpower. IF; 2.3 ABDC, SSCI
  19. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A (2018). Impact of Workplace Bullying on Employee Outcomes: A Study of Indian Managerial Employees. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. IF: 3.5; ABDC B
  20. Agarwal, Upasna A, Gupta, V. (2018). Examining the Mediating and Moderating Effects of Engagement and Conscientiousness for the Job Characteristics and Intention to Quit Relationship. Personnel Review. IF: 3.8; ABDC SSCI
  21. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2018). Workplace Bullying and Employee Silence: A Moderated Mediation Model of Psychological Contract Violation and Workplace Friendship. Personnel Review, 47 (1), 226-256. . IF: 3.8; ABDC SSCI
  22. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2018). Examining Workplace Bullying-Outcomes Relationships among Indian Managers: Psychological Contract Violation as Mediator and Workplace Friendship as Moderators. Employee Relations. IF: 2.8; ABDC -B
  23. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A.  (2018). A Review of Literature on Mediators and Moderators of Workplace Bullying:  Agenda for Future Research. Management Research Review. IF: 3.7; ABDC
  24. Agarwal, U.A. and Gupta, R.K., (2018). Examining the Nature and Effects of Psychological Contract: Case Study of an Indian Organization. Thunderbird International Business Review. IF: 1.8; ABDC
  25. Agarwal, U., & Gupta, M. (2018). "Communication Styles of Millennials: Trends and Relevance for the Industry". The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations47, 485-497.
  26. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U.A. (2017). Exploring the Process of Workplace Bullying in Indian Organizations:  a Grounded Theory Approach. South Asian Journal of Business Studies, 6 (3), 247-273. IF: 3.2; ABDC
  27. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2017). Linking Workplace Bullying and Work Engagement: The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Violation. South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management4(1), 42-71. IF: 1.5; ESCI, ABDC
  28. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2017). Workplace bullying among Indian managers: prevalence, sources and bystanders' reactions. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management15(1), 58-81. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List, Scopus, ECSI and ABS Indexed
  29. Rai, A., & Agarwal, U. A. (2016). Workplace Bullying: A Review and Future Research Directions. South Asian Journal of Management, 23(3), 27. IF: 1.8; ESCI, ABDC
  30. Agarwal, U.A (2017). Linking Psychological Contract Breach, Innovative work behavior and collectivism: A Moderated Mediation Model. International Journal of Innovation Management. IF-2.0 ; ESCI, ABDC
  31. Gupta, V., Agarwal, U.A. and Khatri, N., (2016). The relationships between perceived organizational support, affective commitment, psychological contract breach, organizational citizenship behaviour and work engagement. Journal of Advanced nursing, 72(11), pp.2806-2817. IF- 3.1 ; SCI
  32. Agarwal, U.A., (2016). Examining perceived organizational politics among Indian managers: engagement as mediator and locus of control as moderator. International Journal of Organizational Analysis24(3). IF-2.0 ; ESCI, ABDC
  33. Agarwal, U.A. and Gupta, R.K., (2018). Examining the Nature and Effects of Psychological Contract: Case Study of an Indian Organization. Thunderbird International Business Review. IF- 1.8 ; ABDC


  1. Bansal, N. and Agarwal, U.A. (2017). Examining the Gap between Availability and Expectations of Work-Life Balance Practices:  The employee’s perspective. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, 52(3), pp. 528-42. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List. INDIAN
  2. Bansal, N. and Agarwal, U.A. (2017). Exploring Work-Life Balance among Indian Dual Working Parents: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Management Research. IF- 1.8 ; ABDC
  3. Mehta NKM and Agarwal UA (2017), Hari Sadu Vs Subordinate. The Splendid Melee at workplace. IUP Journal of Soft Skills.- INDIAN
  4. Rai & Agarwal, U. A. (2017). Exploring Nature of Workplace Bullying and Psychometric Properties of Negative Acts Questionnaire- Revised (NAQ-R) In Indian Organizations. Journal of Indian Business Research. IF-2.2; ABDC.
  5. Bansal, N., & Agarwal, U. A. (2017). The gap between availability & expectations of work-life practices. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations52(3), 528-542.
  6. Datta, S. Agarwal, U. (2017) Factors Effecting Career Advancement Of Indian Women Managers". South Asian Journal of Business Studies. IF-3.2; ABDC.
  7. Agarwal, U. A., & Jha, S. (2015). Human resource practices in Indian SMEs--an exploratory study. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations50(4), 680-696. IF-2.2; ABDC.
  8. Agarwal, U.A., & Dasgupta, P. (2015).Role of Job Satisfaction and different commitments on turnover intentions of nurses. Indian Journal of Training & Development. - INDIAN
  9. Agarwal, U. A., & Bhargava, S. (2014). The role of social exchange on work outcomes: a study of Indian managers. The International Journal of Human Resource Management25(10), 1484-1504. IF- 5.4; SCI
  10. Agarwal, UA (2014). Linking justice, trust and innovative work behaviour to work engagement. Personnel Review43(1), 41-73. Listed as “A” journal in ABDC List, Scopus, ECSI and ABS Indexed. . IF: 3.8; ABDC SSCI
  11. Agarwal, U. (2014). Examining the impact of social exchange relationships on innovative work behaviour: Role of work engagement. Team Performance Management20(3/4), 102-120. IF: 2.1; ABDC
  12. Agarwal, U. A. (2014). Examining PCB-Outcomes Relationship: Moderating Role of Individualism. Vikalpa39(2), 99.NA.
  13. D’souza, K. C., Agarwal, U. A., & Chavali, U. (2013). Demographic Profiling of the locus of Control of Employees Evidence from India. Management and Labour Studies38(4), 335-356. NA.- INDIAN
  14. Agarwal, U. A., & Bhargava, S. (2013). Effects of psychological contract breach on organizational outcomes: moderating role of tenure and educational levels. Vikalpa38(1), 13. NA- INDIAN
  15. Agarwal, U. A., Datta, S., Blake-Beard, S., & Bhargava, S. (2012). Linking LMX, innovative work behaviour and turnover intentions: The mediating role of work engagement. Career Development International17(3), 208-230. Listed as “B” journal in ABDC LIST, Scopus, ECSI and ABS Indexed. IF-3.7
  16. Aggarwal, U., & D’Souza, K. C. (2012). Transformational leadership: The link between PO fit, psychological contract and signature experiences. The Indian Journal of Industrial Relations47, 485-497. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List.- INDIAN
  17. Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2011). Examining psychological contract contents in India: the employee Perspective. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management4(6), 609-625. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List.- INDIAN
  18. Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2010). Predictors and outcomes of relational and transactional psychological contract. Psychological Studies55(3), 195-207. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List . Scopus Listed- INDIAN
  19. Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2010). The Effects of Equity Sensitivity, Job Stressors and Perceived Organisational Support on Psychological Contract Breach. Vision: The Journal of Business Perspective14(1-2), 45-55. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List.
  20. Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2009). Exploring psychological contract contents in India: the employee and employer perspective. Journal of Indian Business Research1(4), 238-251. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List and Scopus.
  21. Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2009). Identifying employees’ perceptions of psychological contract: A comparison between IT and BPO employees in India. New Zealand Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 9 (1). Listed as “C” journal in ABDC List.
  22. Aggarwal, U., & Bhargava, S. (2009). Reviewing the relationship between human resource practices and psychological contract and their impact on employee attitude and behaviours: A conceptual model. Journal of European Industrial Training33(1), 4-31. Listed as “C” journal in ABDC LIST and Scopus.
  23. Aggarwal, U., Datta, S., & Bhargava, S. (2007). The relationship between human resource practices, psychological contract and employee engagement–implications for managing talent. IIMB Management Review19(3), 313-325. Listed as “B” journal in ABDC List, Scopus and ECSI Indexed

  1. NITIE (2021). Enhancing Effectiveness of Rural Education in India: Contributing to NEP
  2. ICSSR (2019) Unravelling the problems, and supportive factors and their impact on the development of Rural Women Entrepreneurs- A State Level Comparative Study
  3. PMI (USA) (2017) Vertical and Horizontal Leadership in Project Organizations
  4. ICSSR (2018) Capacity Building of Young Faculty in Research Methodology
  5. NITIE-Socially Relevant Projects (2014) Human Resource Practices in SME's

  1. 2020-21, 2021-22 : Sandford Top 2% researcher of the world
  2. 2019-Higher Education Forum (HEF, 2019), Best Young Teacher award.
  3. 2018-Association of Indian Management Scholars (AIMA), Young Women Researcher Award
  4. 2018-World HRD Congress , Best Faculty in Human Resources and Organization Behavior
  5. 2017-Highly Commended Paper Emerald Publishing Awards
  6. 2017-National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE)  Best Teacher
  7. 2017-Emerald “Highly Commended” paper award.
  8.  2014- Emerging Psychologist Award, National Academy of Psychology.
  9. 2012- Best Paper Award  at the 12th International Human Resource Management Conference
  10. 2010-Excellence in thesis Award (in Management), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay.
  11. 2010-Outstanding Paper Award by Emerald Literati Outstanding paper Award
  12. 2010-Awarded the CIPD Best Paper Award at Aston.

  1. Managing Unconscious Bias
  2. Building a Growth Mindset
  3.  The art of Negotiations
  4. Leading Virtually
  5. Developing Emotional Intelliegence for managerial success
  6. Enhancing Managerial effectiveness
  7. Managing in cross cultural Environment
  8. Building leadership effectiveness
  9. Buiding High performance teams
  10. Effective Communication

Professor In Charge - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Cell (DEI);

Professor In Charge -Parivartan (Mentorship)- Enhancing Rural Edication using Technology