The Fellow Programme aims at developing outstanding scholars who explore the inexact science of management with a beyond the obvious perspective.
The Management Development Programme assists some of the best practising managers in radically changing their perspective about business. It is one of the several ways through which the industry benefits from faculty's rich experience.
Unit Based Programmes are based on the philosophy that every business is unique with its specific needs and requirements. UBPs are customised learning experiences for satisfying these special needs.
PGDIE is one of the very few courses that enjoy corporate excellence for over three decades. The programme focuses on SCM, IT and Systems, Marketing, Finance and HR Management. PGDIE has evolved as a course for developing Managers with cross- functional skills.
Environmental considerations are becoming an integral part of core business planning. This course aims at redefining the relationship between business and environment on the basis of the cardinal principles of sustainable development.
PGDITM course engages in nurturing of erudite techno-managers, who, with their forte of domain expertise and IT proficiency can incorporate business smart IT strategies, deploy and execute apposite technology and best of clan practices, thus providing competitive edge to businesses.
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